patrimony|patrimonies in English


[pat·ri·mo·ny || 'pætrɪməʊnɪ /-mənɪ]

inheritance from one's father or ancestors; legacy, heritage, inheritance

Use "patrimony|patrimonies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "patrimony|patrimonies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "patrimony|patrimonies", or refer to the context using the word "patrimony|patrimonies" in the English Dictionary.

1. His grandfather left the patrimony to him.

2. Gambling has come to the rescue of China's cultural patrimony.

3. Synonyms for Birthrights include heritage, patrimonies, inheritance, rights, dues, bequests, legacies, primogeniture, privilege and prerogatives

4. Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event.

5. They maintained a superior legal position and imposed traditional notions of patrimony.

6. We Catholics of the Anglican patrimony, of course, have always been preoccupied with Birettas

7. Families were therefore nuclear and patriarchal and only one son inherited the patrimony.

8. Normally feudal grants were made within the Patrimony and the Papal State in return for military service.

9. The spontaneity music has excludes it as a luxury item a patrimony of society.

10. He was the author of the law that incorporated the Sorocabana Railroad to the São Paulo State patrimony.

11. Synonyms for Bequeathal include legacy, inheritance, heritage, bequest, endowment, benefaction, patrimony, birthright, heirloom and bestowal

12. They shall have like portions to eat, beside cometh of the sale of his patrimony.

13. Natural resources are seen by many as a national patrimony, meaning all profits should be shared.

14. Birthright noun right, due, heritage, privilege, patrimony Freedom is the natural Birthright of every human

15. The whites displaced the Indians by force of arms , got their patrimony by fraudulent treaties.

16. India’s historical patrimony is very different from China’s, for example, not to mention the singular experience of Japan.

17. First, because it tended to accumulate wealth rather than administer its property as “the patrimony of the poor.”

18. In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses.

19. On 23 June 1613 Isaac Jaggard was admitted freeman of the company by patrimony, doubtless to help his father.

20. As control technique, it is not identical with the periodical inventory of the financial administration or of the entire patrimony .

21. Mao Zedong's exploring of socialist construction road is the indelible experience and valuable patrimony that the CCP. grope for socialist system.

22. At the height of his career his whole estate, including his patrimony, was probably worth rather more than £300 a year.

23. Polls were running strongly against selling the country 's mineral patrimony to a company ultimately controlled by the Chinese Communist Party .

24. All that pertains to the integrity of the Order's patrimony and structures, namely C. 1-4 and 73-85, is treated by both General Chapters: Abbots' and Abbesses'.

25. Although the first reports , cited above , of looting of the national museum turned out to be exaggerated , the Iraqi pillaging of their own patrimony continued apace over a month later .